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  • New practice of mathematical teaching link - up , under the guidance of " zone of proximal development " theory put forward by vygotsky , one of the world - known former soviet educators , and the theory of construstionism , is in conformity with the rising spirit of new course reform
    它是以前苏联教育家维果茨基提出的“最近发展区理论” 、建构主义学习理论为指导,它还跟当前正推行的“新课改”精神是相一致的。
  • Brenda lansdown believe it important to study teaching in maoist and marxist thinking in socialist country . investigation and colloquium method is an excellent and modern thinking philosophy , impacted by john dewey . brenda lansdown " investigation and colloquium method originated from the physiological study of lev semenovich vygotsky
  • Brenda lansdown perfected investigation and colloquium method through her own working experiences . investigation and colloquium method has its roots in physiology , sociology . and psychology . investigation and colloquium method provides us with an innovative and advanced way of thinking and teaching
    其关于“形成概念”的教学理论主要借鉴了维果茨基的思维与语言关系的思想,这也是“探究? ?研讨”教学法能为我们提供富有创见的理论和有效的教学方法的原因所在。
  • L - s - vygotsky who represented the school of social culture points put that the process of individual ' s evolution is affected not only by the experiences of social cultural practice and the incentives of activities , but also by the tissues of individual ' s continuous integration . r case , an eminent representative of neo - piagetian theories , brings forward the unique " process and structures " theory , which inherits from the most key ideas of piaget ' s children ' s cognitive development that the development has a qualitative process assuming some quality phases
    2 . 3社会文化学派对儿童认知发展的“过程一结构”理论的启示以维果茨基(竹gotsky )为代表的社会文化学派指出个体内化的过程不仅仅是受社会文化实践经验和活动意图的影响,而更深层次是组织不断改组的过程,注重了从社会影响和人际互动方面等解释儿童智慧发展机制,强调了儿童认知心理学研究的社会生态效度。
  • The long - term confrontation among students also stresses how human nature is completely distorted in a utilitarian society . anderson also makes use of french poetic realistic images and surrealistic scenes to show that there is no choice but uprising if one wishes to be liberated from the hypocritical life . this notion ties in neatly with jean vigo s
    此外,安德逊在片里运用了法国诗意写实主义的影像风格,以超现实的画面透视虚伪人生的解放,唯有起义而别无他选,这实又与尚?维果的《操行零分》 ( 1933 )神形俱合。
  • Based on jean piaget " s theory of cognition development and a . c . bblrotckiih " s theo - ry of recent developental area , this paper intends to combine the author " s many years " teaching experience to explore students " characteristics and rules in different developmen - tal stage , to understand the creative process of recent developmental area by using the con - cent of assimilation , accommodation and equilibrium , and to construct the creative patlern of recent developmental area from congnition development
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