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  • Psychiatrists who prescribe drug combinations say that the ability to mix and match medications improves their chances of being able to help children who are seriously , even desperately , ill
  • In order to provide a comprehensive and one - stop service , a multi - disciplinary team comprising of social worker , registered nurse and special childcare worker will be formed
  • Patient , i understand that you have a problem . your problem is that you always contradict whatever other people say or do , right ? and mr . patient said , no , thats not right . so the psychiatrist said , ok
  • A patient went to see a psychiatrist and said , " doctor , every night i cannot sleep , because i always feel that there is some one under my bed . so i always get up and look . and there is no one under my bed at all
  • In 2002 , another study was conducted to evaluate the psychosocial , clinical , and radiological predictors of psd in chinese patients . 189 patients participated in the study . three months after the index stroke , a psychiatrist made a diagnosis of depression
    参与今次研究为一百八十九名中风病人,他们在中风后的三个月,由精神科医生评估其情绪状况;当中确诊为抑郁症患者有三十一人( 16
  • If mentally ill people are found to have emotional disturbance , the family should try their best to calm them down and to understand the reasons behind it . if possible , they should take the mentally ill people to see a psychiatrist for proper treatment as soon as possible
  • The hospital authority has also started a territory - wide elder suicide prevention programme in october 2002 which provides a two - tiered service of early detection at the community level , and specialist treatment by psycho - geriatricians at fast track clinics
  • We adopt the principle & concept of family medicine , using multidisciplinary team approach with other specialties , including psychiatrists , clinical psychologists , and psycho - therapists as the best model as well as service platform for the promotion and attainment of mental health
    我们采纳家庭医学专科与其它专科联手的医学模式及服务平台(包括精神科医生、临床心理学家以及心理治疗师) ,提倡及协助人们达至心理健康。
  • Joshua loth liebman was the first psychiatrist to call that to our attention in a book that made the best seller list fifty years ago . it s title - " peace of mind . " 3 he tells about a colleague who was a professor of philosophy at the university , and he was an atheist
  • After a child s admission for residential service , the responsible social worker will work closely with the residential care staff and other related professionals ( such as school teachers , psychiatrists and clinical psychologists ) to ensure that the child can benefit from residential service
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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