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  • Flower of optional choose carnation , chinese rose , daffodil , orchid , match with asparagus , all over the sky star or shi song , in order to wish expensive system recovers at an early date
  • Return flower of optional choose carnation , chinese rose , daffodil , orchid to wait additionally , match with asparagus , all over the sky star or shi song , in order to wish expensive system recovers at an early date
  • In order to facilitate water works , the right - turn movement for all vehicles exceeding 5 metres in length from cassia road northbound onto dianthus road eastbound will be temporarily banned from 10 : 00a . m . on 10 april 2007 to 11 may 2007
  • The company also has a bank overseen by the office of thrift supervision ; an insurance unit ; a subsidiary that provides borrowers with loan closing services like appraisals and flood certifications ; and a broker - dealer that trades securities
  • Sweet - briar and southernwood , jasmine , pink , and rose have long been yielding their evening sacrifice of incense : this new scent is neither of shrub nor flower ; it is - i know it well - it is mr . rochester s cigar . i look round and i listen
  • For some reason , the two women had drawn together , in one of the unaccountable flows and ebbs of sympathy that exist between people . they were pegging down carnations , and putting in small plants for the summer . it was work they both liked
  • He strayed down a walk edged with box , with apple trees , pear trees , and cherry trees on one side , and a border on the other full of all sorts of old - fashioned flowers , stocks , sweet - williams , primroses , pansies , mingled with southernwood , sweet - briar , and various fragrant herbs
  • How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object , lifting it a little way , as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly , and then leave it . . . if that mark was made by a nail , it can ' t have been for a picture , it must have been for a miniature ? the miniature of a lady with white powdered curls , powder ? dusted cheeks , and lips like red carnations
    我们的思绪是多么容易一哄而上,簇拥着一件新鲜事物,像一群蚂蚁狂热地抬一根稻草一样,抬了一会,又把它扔在那里… …如果这个斑点是一只钉子留下的痕迹,那一定不是为了挂一幅油画,而是为了挂一幅小肖像画? ?一幅卷发上扑着白粉、脸上抹着脂粉、嘴唇像红石竹花的贵妇人肖像。
  • As addenda , a tennis and fives court , a shrubbery , a glass summerhouse with tropical palms , equipped in the best botanical manner a rockery with waterspray , a beehive arranged on humane principles , oval flowerbeds in rectangular grassplots set with eccentric ellipses of scarlet and chrome tulips , blue scillas , crocuses , polyanthus , sweet william , sweat pea , lily of the valley bulbs obtainable from sir james w . mackey limited wholesale and retail seed and bulb merchant and nurseryman , agent for chemical manures , 23 sackville street , upper , an orchard , kitchen garden and vinery , protected against illegal trespassers by glasstopped mural enclosures , a lumbershed with padlock for various inventoried implements
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