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  • But because vasari relied on anecdotal evidence , there was always a doubt about the identification , and leonardo is not known to have made any notes about the model ' s identity himself
  • A far - fetched notion , perhaps , but this renaissance venetian revolutionised painting ? and his work , focusing on secular subjects such as nudes , landscapes and female beauty , was dubbed “ modern ” by the leading art commentator of the day , vasari
  • It was in the section included between this range and the rocky mountains that the american engineers found the most formidable difficulties in laying the road , and that the government granted a subsidy of forty - eight thousand dollars per mile , instead of sixteen thousand allowed for the work done the plains
  • The railway turned around the sides of the mountains , and did not attempt to violate nature by taking the shortest cut from one pc railroad is joined by several branches iowa , kansas , colorado and oregon . on leaving omaha , it passes along the left bank of the platte river as far as the junction of its northern branch , follows its southern branch , crosses the laramie territory and the wahsatch mountains , turns the great salt lake , and reaches salt lake city , the mormon capital , plunges into the tuilla valley , across the american desert , cedar and humboldt mountains , the sierra nevada , and descends , via sacramento , to the pacific - its grade , even on the rocky mountains , never exceeding one hundred and twelve feet to the mile
  • Each of these periods was further divided into two parts ( seasons or rtu ) : spring ( vasanta ) , from mid - march until mid - may ; summer ( grisma ) , from mid - may until mid - july ; the rains ( varsa ) , from mid - july until mid - september ; autumn ( sarad ) , from mid - september until mid - november ; winter ( hemanta ) , from mid - november until mid - january ; and the dews ( sisira ) , from mid - january until mid - march
    每一个时期又进一步地划分成二等分(季节或鲁特) :春季(伐山塔) ,从三月中旬到五月中旬;夏季(格雷丝马) ,从五月中旬到七月中旬;雨季(瓦萨) ,从七月中旬到九月中旬;秋季(沙拉) ,从九月中旬到十一月中旬;冬季(汗马塔) ,从十一月中旬到一月中旬;露湿季节(悉悉拉) ,从一月中旬到三月中旬。
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