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  • The swiss standard of cleanliness and hygiene is not only evident in the streets and houses , it is also found in the public toilets
  • In switzerland , by contrast , 30 % of the population has the rare variety ? and the swiss are not normally regarded as an emotional people
    而在瑞士, 30的人口具有稀有型基因人们瑞士人通常不被看作是感情强烈的民族。
  • In switzerland , by contrast , 30 % of the population has the rare variety ? and the swiss are not normally regarded as an emotional people
    而在瑞士却有30 %的人拥有这一少见基因,但人们一般不把瑞士人看作非常情绪化的人。
  • The swiss standard of cleanliness and hygiene is not only evident in the streets and houses , it is also found in the public toilets
  • A typical swiss is hardworking , frugal and neat . swiss society is stable and orderly , the people are law - abiding and self - disciplined
  • Philippe senderos - 7 : is fast becoming mr dependable at the back for the gunners . a no - nonsense performance from the young swiss defender
    桑得罗斯7 :很快成为了枪手后方线上的可靠先生,年轻的瑞士人拿出了干净利索的表现。
  • He had taken swiss nationality in 1901 and therefore did not have to join the army , as switzerland did not take sides in the war
  • Japanese tourists stood out for being polite and tidy , securing 35 percent more votes than the americans who came second . swiss tourists were commended
  • The swiss was arrested in the city last december after surveillance cameras caught him spraying black paint onto portraits of thai king bhumibol adulyadej
  • This shows that the swiss still feel very strongly about preserving their own languages and are concerned about the linguistic links between the different races
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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