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  • To utter them for the first time before countess bezuhov . to be received in countess bezuhovs salon was looked upon as a certificate of intellect
    比利宾正在搜集mots ,目的是要在别祖霍夫伯爵夫人露面时头一次把它说出来。
  • Oh , good evening , my dear boy , said dolgorukov , who was sitting at tea with bilibin . the ftes for to - morrow . hows your old fellow
    “亲爱的,您好, ”多尔戈鲁科夫和比利宾坐在一起用茶时说道: “明儿是节日,您的老头子怎样了?
  • Prince andrey was struck by the fact that before beginning the conversation , the emperor seemed embarrassed , didnt know what to say , and reddened
  • Just as prince andrey was a young man , who promised to rise high in a military career , bilibin promised to do even better in diplomacy
  • You know bilibin , hes a very clever fellow ; he suggested addressing it , to the usurper and enemy of the human race , dolgorukov chuckled merrily
    “您可认识比利宾,他是个十分聪明的人,他建议这样称呼收件人:篡夺王位者和人类的公敌。 ”
  • He was one of those diplomats who like work and understand it , and in spite of his natural indolence , he often spent nights at his writing - table
  • Count lichtenfels was here this morning , pursued bilibin , and he showed me a letter containing a full description of the parade of the french at vienna
    “今天早上利希滕费尔斯伯爵到过这里了, ”比利宾继续说下去, “他把一封信拿给我看,信中详尽地描述了法国人在维也纳举行阅兵式的实况。
  • At the leve the emperor francis only looked intently into prince andreys face , and nodded his long head to him as he stood in the place assigned him among the austrian officers
  • He dressed for his attendance at court in full court - dress , which he had not worn for a long time , and fresh , eager , and handsome , he walked into bilibins room with his arm in a sling
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