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  • The itu - t and iso / iec are responsible for all previous international video compression standards . h . 264 / avc is the current video standardization project of the itu - t video coding experts group ( vceg ) and the iso / iec moving picture experts group ( mpeg ) . the main goals of this standardization effort are to develop a simple and straightforward video coding design , with enchnced compression performance
    目前最新制定的视频编码标准是由iso和itu建立的联合视频工作组( jointvideoteam ,简称jvt )制定的jvt视频编码标准,它在iso中的正式名称是mpeg - 4标准的第十部分,在itu中的正式名称是h . 264 。
  • Rumsfeld ( before he became secretary of defense ) warned that “ the u . s . is an attractive candidate for a ' space pearl harbor . ' ” further , the group ( formally the commission to assess united states national security space management and organization ) called for the country ' s leaders to act soon to reduce america ' s exposure to a surprise attack in orbit and to limit the consequences of such an event
  • Since db2 version 7 . 2 , db2 udb has supported storing data in non - persistent , in - memory , session - specific tables formally known as declared global temporary tables hereafter referred to as temporary tables . this article will not dwell on the many different ways that a temporary table can be defined or used such topics are already covered in the
    自db2 v7 . 2以来, db2 udb已经支持在驻留内存、非持久性、特定于会话的表中存储数据,这些表的正式名称为已声明的全局临时表(以下简称为临时表) 。
  • On may 13 , 2002 , the president of united states , bush , signed a new agricultural law , which was named " the farm security and rural investment act of 2002 ( 2002 farm act ) " . the new legislation governs agricultural programs through 2007 , but the budget framework extends over 10 years
    2002年5月13日,美国总统布什签署了新的农业法,正式名称为《 2002年农场安全与农村投资法案》 ( thefarmsecurityandruralinvestmentactof2002 ,简称2002法案) ,该法案的法律效力至2007年,共6年,但财政预算涵盖了10年。
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