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  • First , according to the definition of n - dimensional density function , this thesis decomposes it into the conditional probability about variable alone , which can be expressed by conditional failure rate function about variable alone
  • Though studying some formulas in theory of probability , we give the formula conditional probability in complete event set and a simplified formula for density ' s function in two random variables , they offer new methods in calculation
  • Furthermore , we have listed the calculating software program in algebra . the great effect can be seen in this article caused by the combination of the conditional probability generating function method and the relevant calculation software in algebra
  • To improve the representation capability for index relationships in enterprise performance modeling , the performance modeling method based on casual relationship was improved and an index improvement method based on conditioned probability was proposed
  • The research methods are : using the conditional probability theory to work out the moment generating function of process s ( t ) and its distribution function ; using the increasing and declining character and the convexity to compare the lundberg exponent and the ruin probability of different processes
    研究方法为:利用条件概率证明过程s ( t )的矩母函数以及其分布函数;利用增减性以及凹凸性比较lundberg指数,从而比较其相关性对破产概率的影响。
  • By redefining the cardinality of set , we establish the relationship between the domain / range ratio and the testability metric . pie model can help us doing white box test in unit test phase . based on the fault / failure model and conditional probability , a formula is found to get testability metric , with which we prove there is a max value in software testability metric
  • * the inference and learning algorithms the inference algorithm for polytree bn and its application in the model are firstly introduced . secondly , after studying the famous k2 learning algorithm the improved algorithm ( mk2 ) and its parallel implementing method have been present . what is more , the modified mdl algorithm is given
    *推理及学习算法详细介绍了polytree信度网的推理算法及在阻塞模型中的应用;在研究cooper后验概率学习方法( k2学习算法)基础上,提出了改进算法( mk2算法)及并行实现方法;研究了另一种信度网结构学习算法( mdl学习算法)并提出了其改进算法;最后还提出了条件概率学习方法。
  • Monte carlo is a method that approximately solves mathematic or physical problems by statistical sampling theory . when comes to bayesian classification , it firstly gets the conditional probability distribution of the unlabelled classes based on the known prior probability . then , it uses some kind of sampler to get the stochastic data that satisfy the distribution as noted just before one by one
  • For the extend model of cognitive map , conditional probability , theory of uncertainty and knowledge database are introduced to cognitive map , and fuzzy cognitive map ( fcm ) , probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map ( pfcm ) , belief knowledge database based probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map ( bkpfcm ) , " extended dynamic cognitive network " are presented . therefore , those extended models can express the fuzzy and belief measure of uncertainty causal relationships and expert knowledge with uncertainty
    本文把条件概率、不确定性理论及知识库引入认知图中,提出“概率模糊认知图” 、 “基于信任知识库的概率模糊认知图”及“扩展动态认知网络”来表示事物间因果关系测度的不确定性、因果联系的时空特性及专家对知识的不确定性,从而扩展了认知图模拟现实世界的能力。
  • It ' s a pity that although there are many papers and articles focused on data mining published every year , most of them deal with data mining concept and abstract algorithm theory , it is hardly to see their real implementation and application , in this context , when i was in my graduate exercitation in a company in beijing , which focus on developing supermarket software , i joined and completed an olap ( online analytical processing ) project , merchandise analysis and sale report system , which based on microsoft analysis service and microsoft sql server . i also design and implement three important algorithms : merchandise association rule algorithm based on multi - level merchandise category , supermarket member customer shopping frequent sequence generating algorithm , customer classification ( decision tree ) algorithm which based on information entropy and conditional probability tree , and they all achieve expected result
    本文作者在实习期间,参与并完成了基于微软分析服务器的销售分析与报表系统;并在公司即将开始的数据挖掘项目中,完成了多个重要算法的设计和c + +程序实现:基于多层分类商品树的商品关联规则算法,会员顾客的购物频繁序列模式产生算法;基于信息熵理论和条件概率树的会员顾客分类(决策树)算法,并分别使用数据进行了测试,取得了较好的结果。
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