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  • In this squamous cell carcinoma at the upper left is a squamous eddy with a keratin pearl
  • This will please the lord more than an ox , more than a bull with its horns and hoofs
  • This also shall please the lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs
  • And it will please the lord better than an ox or a young bull with horns and hoofs
    诗69 : 31这便叫耶和华喜悦、胜似献牛、或是献有角有蹄的公牛。
  • " the altar hearth shall be four cubits ; and from the altar hearth shall extend upwards four horns
    结43 : 15坛上的供台、高四肘供台的四拐角上、都有角
  • Another booth was displaying masks of bush , bin laden and a horned devil , for sale at . 90 each
    另一家公司的展台则展出了以布什拉登头上有角的恶魔为原形的面具,每个面具售价9 . 9美元。
  • 3 ) when combining surfaces with vertex , surfaces c1 continuous at vertex , c2 continuous other . so , it approve the methods are effective
    3 )多曲面有角点拼接时,角点处可以达到g1连续,其它地方达到c2连续。
  • The dinosaurs were between 25 - 30 feet long , had a horn above their skulls , were relatively heavy and walked on two legs , scientists said
    科学家说,这种头上长有角恐龙体长介于25 30英尺之间,重量较大,靠双腿走路。
  • If the amounts shown in the company s financial accounts include cents , should i put in the cents when stating amounts in the profits tax return
  • If the amounts shown in the company s financial accounts include cents , should i put in the cents when stating amounts in the profits tax return
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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