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  • Provides personal profile , legislative council affairs , commentaries and articles , event calendar , and photo album
  • Provides meeting information , details of committees , proposals , policy issues , records of the legislature , biographies of members
  • When he decides to run for president to unleash his trademark comic rants on the powers that be , something extraordinary happens - he wins
  • And charles i . were put to death by their peoples ? to this question these historians reply , that the effect of the actions of louis xiv
  • No , mr . president . never ! never ! other and better counsels will yet prevail . the hours are long in the life of a great people . the irrevocable step is not yet taken
  • The party ' s platform featured support for the family , slashing welfare , a greater role for private health care and vague calls that immigrants conform to local customs
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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