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  • " accordingly , whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light , and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops
    路12 : 3因此你们在暗中所说的、将要在明处被人听见在内室附耳所说的、将要在房上被人宣扬。
  • When you build a new house , you shall make a low wall around the edge of your roof so that you do not put the guilt of blood on your house if someone falls from it
  • Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light ; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops
  • But gadadhar intuitively felt that the scholars , to use one of his own vivid illustrations , were like so many vultures , soaring high on the wings of their uninspired intellect , with their eyes fixed on the charnel - pit of greed and lust
    但是嘎达达尔的直觉感觉到学者们就像很多贪婪的人一样,在运用着逼真的幻觉,让双翼在缺乏创见的智慧上高飞,他们的双眼盯在停尸房上? ?贪婪和欲望的深渊。
  • In this paper the floral ontogeny and the ovary development of rivina humilis l . were observed . the results showed that ( 1 ) the tepal primordia initiated in 2 / 5 spirals . the abaxial one initiated first , then the adaxial one , finally the lateral two initiated nearly simultaneously . the third one initiated on the position near the first tepal , and there is a gap between itself and the second tepal . ( 2 ) the 4 stamineal primordia initiated in one whorl at the same time . ( 3 ) the carpellary primordium initiated from the abaxial side of flower primordium ; the carpellary primordium grew upwards and towards axis after it was formed , therefore an elliptic orifice was formed at the adaxial position of ovary , which was the remainder of the mouth of ovary before the ovary was fused completely . with the ovary maturing , the orifice was narrowed because of the ovary growth , at last fused completely . the gynoecium is composed of a single carpel . ( 4 ) in the series developmental sections of ovary , the ovular primordium was initiated on the adaxial meristem when the mouth of ovary was formed
    对数珠珊瑚的花器官发生和子房的发育过程进行了观察.结果表明: ( 1 )数珠珊瑚花被呈2 / 5螺旋状发生,远轴侧的1枚先发生,其次为近轴侧的1枚发生,最后侧方的2枚花被几乎同时发生,第3枚花被在靠近第1枚的位置发生,第2枚和第3枚之间有1个空隙; ( 2 ) 4枚雄蕊是同时发生的; ( 3 )心皮发生于分生组织的远轴侧,心皮原基形成后,向上向轴生长,在子房成熟前在近轴侧非正中位形成1个孔,该孔为心皮最终愈合前的残迹,到子房成熟时,因子房的生长孔被挤压缩小,在进一步的生长过程中愈合.子房由1枚心皮构成; ( 4 )从子房发育过程的切片看,该植物的胚珠是在子房发生后不久发生的,子房上的圆孔形成时,从近轴侧的分生组织发生胚珠原基,由胚珠原基分化出珠被与珠心
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