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  • One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don t come home at night
  • One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don ' t come home at night
  • But lovable blackie missed us and refused to eat or drink anything there . before long he came back on his own
  • Come back home ! all friends ever fighting together in the battle field ! the land you ever lived in and fought in misses you all the time
  • You have the right to be loved and to love , to be accepted , cared for , adored , and you have the right to fulfill that privilege
  • Yes , sir , and i could only wish all relatives took as good care of the departed as the young man who asked me to look after that one
    “是的,是一个年轻人托我照管的。先生,但愿所有死者的亲属都能像他一样惦念死者就好了。 ”
  • The letter was for daguenet . mme maloir herself wrote in her bold english hand , " my darling little man , " and then she told him not to come tomorrow because " that could not be " but hastened to add that " she was with him in thought at every moment of the day , whether she were near or far away .
    这封信是写给达盖内的,马卢瓦太太不问娜娜一句,便用斜体字写道: “我亲爱的小男人” ,接着告诉他明天不要来,因为“明天来不行”但是, “不管他在远处还是在近处,她时时刻刻都在惦念着他。 ”
  • Yet they sat as usual at tea in the drawing - room , and pierre answered the countesss quite superfluous questions , which were of no interest even to her , and told her that prince vassily was looking older , and that countess marya alexeyevna sent her kind regards and remembrances , etc
  • In everyday life , whatever we think or desire the most will come to us . suppose at the time of departure from this world that our thoughts were dwelling on something , and it had not come true yet , then we would return again to this physical planet to live out our desires or to fulfill our wishes
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