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  • The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and eating breakfast ; the soldiers were munching biscuits , stamping their feet rhythmically , while they gathered about the fires warming themselves , and throwing into the blaze remains of shanties , chairs , tables , wheels , tubs , everything superfluous that they could not take away with them
  • Cried alice , quite forgetting in the flurry of the moment how large she had grown in the last few minutes , and she jumped up in such a hurry that she tipped over the jury - box with the edge of her skirt , upsetting all the jurymen on to the heads of the crowd below , and there they lay sprawling about , reminding her very much of a globe of goldfish she had accidentally upset the week before
  • He gave a hurried nod in response to tchernishevs words , and smiled ironically on hearing that the tsar was inspecting the fortifications that he , pfuhl , had planned in accordance with his theory . he muttered something in the jerky bass , in which conceited germans often speak , silly fool or damn the whole business or some idiocys sure to come of that . prince andrey did not catch his words , and would have passed on , but tchernishev introduced him to pfuhl , observing that he had just come from turkey , where the war had been so successfully concluded . pfuhl barely glanced , not at , but across prince andrey , and commented , laughing : a model that war must have been of every principle of tactics ! and , laughing contemptuously , he went on into the room , from which the sound of voices came
    显然,他想尽快穿过房间,结束礼仪和问候,在地图边坐下来着手工作,他觉得那才是舒适的地方,他一边听切尔内绍夫说皇帝去视察他普弗尔按自己的理论构筑的工事,一边匆匆地点着头,带着讥讽的意味微笑着,他自言自语地嘟囔了一句什么,仿佛像所有自信的德国人那样低沉而急促地抱怨dummkopf或者: zu grunde die ganze geschichte或者: swird was gescheites draus werden安德烈公爵没有听清他说什么,想走过去,但是切尔内绍夫把安德烈公爵介绍给普弗尔认识,并说安德烈公爵刚从土耳其回来,那里的战事幸运地结束了,普弗尔瞟了一眼安德烈公爵,与其说是看他,毋宁说是眼光一扫而过,大笑着说: “ damuss ein schocner tactischer krieg gewesen sein ”随后,轻蔑地笑笑,向那传出谈话声的房间走去。
  • Your excellency , when do you desire me to get the money ? said mitenka . your honour ought to know but dont trouble , he added , noticing that the count was beginning to breathe rapidly and heavily , which was always the sign of approaching anger . i was forgetting this minute do you desire me to bring them
    米坚卡说道, “您知道,是这么回事但是请您放心, ”他发现伯爵开始急促地困难地呼吸,向来这是他开始发怒的征候,于是补充了一句, “我几乎置之脑后了您吩咐我马上送来吗? ”
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