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  • Previously the highest academic institution in hainan , it is now the site of the qiongtai teachers college
  • First , strengthening normal education , including improving educational curriculum and adding teaching practice
    强化职前教育,包括完善师范学校教育理论课程设置,增加教育实践机会; 2
  • Due to its aims , the 5 - year normal school is simultaneous or preferential with the reforms of primary education
  • Some 7 , 900 graduate teachers who qualified in 2005 never worked in the classroom , compared with 2 , 100 in 2000
    跟2000年的2100人相比,在一些2005年师范学校毕业的合格学生中, 7900位根本就没在教室工作过。
  • Consequently , it is necessary for teachers to study the educational factors that are potential in the textbook
  • In recent years , funing teachers ' college has been praised as a provincial civilized unit , garden unit and green school
    几年来,阜宁高等师范学校先后获得省级“文明单位” 、省级“园林式单位”和省级“绿色学校”称号。
  • Tao xingzhi ' s theory on life education which took shape in nanjing xiaozhuang normal school was not discarded because of the closing of the school
  • Article 15 graduates of normal schools at various levels shall be engaged in education and teaching in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state
  • After graduation , he taught art at various levels of schools for many years and accumulated rich experiences in art instruction
  • The structure of education adapting in normal school is the inevitable tendency of the education reforming and unceasing developing of normal school
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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