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  • Martin had encountered his sister gertrude by chance on broadway - as it proved , a most propitious yet disconcerting chance
  • Techno - illiterate highschooler asako is about to be inserted into the hard - driving world of erotic internet chat rooms
  • But as the camera follows her on her trips , then her dates and her loves , we begin to wonder is this really fiction
  • Three of asia s most luminous leading ladies , brigitte lin , cherie chung and sally yeh , light up the screen in this fast - paced action comedy
  • Fast - paced , bloody and exciting , this film shows bangkok s darker worlds , and the glimmer of hope possible in the dimmest of lives
  • His original intention was to cover the efforts of another relief team , but he decided to cover master s relief effort in paihuano instead
  • Harry is her manager . they should not meet , least to say forming some kind of partnership , but they do . gayle goes to ah sing s garage for repairs
  • A breathtaking epic set in 19th - century china from award - winning director ang lee the wdding banquet , sense and sensibility , crouching tiger , hidden . .
    途中巧遇hansom黄百鸣饰介绍入住一间神秘大宅。 angie为了赶走hansom而扮鬼吓hansom
  • Two young sisters move to the japanese countryside with their father , while their mother recuperates from an unspecified illness back at the city hosp . .
    一次在屋后的嬉戏,次子巧遇上一只小怪物,几经追截至一个大树洞中,才吓然发现了一. .
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