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  • The current xapi working drafts are three years old , which is cause for some caution but should not put you off entirely
  • All documents intended for publication are designated grid working drafts gwds while they re still inside the working research groups
    所有待出版的文档当还在工作组或研究组内部的时候,都称为“网格工作草案” ( grid working drafts , gwd ) 。
  • When the world wide web consortium ( w3c ) made their first xsl working draft , it contained the language syntax for both transforming and formatting xml documents
    当万维网联盟( w3c )做出第一份xsl工作草案时,它囊括了xml文档的转换和格式化的语法。
  • At the time of this writing , it is still in the working draft stage at the w3c , which means it has some way to go yet before it becomes a recommendation
  • And the documents linked to it , for advice on deciding which events you need to work with , and a host of other accessibility issues
    关于如何决定需要处理的事件和其他可访问性问题,请参考工作草案web content accessibility guidelines 2 . 0和链接的文档。
  • Working draft indicates work in progress , but should not be used as reference material . the content may be updated , replaced , or rendered obsolete at any time
  • A working draft indicates work in progress , but should not be used as reference material . the content may be updated , replaced , or rendered obsolete at any time
  • On 5 august 2002 , the first working draft of xhtml 2 . 0 was released and the big news is that backward compatibility has been dropped ; the language can finally move on
    Xhtml 2 . 0的第一个工作草案于2002年8月5日发布,一大新闻就是取消了向后兼容性;该语言终于得以继续发展。
  • The first working draft of xframes made its debut on 6 august 2002 , the day after xhtml 2 . 0 announced that it would be using xframes , and attempts to solve the problems that traditional html frames presented
    Xframes的第一个工作草案于2002年8月6日初次登场,此前一天xhtml 2 . 0宣布它将使用xframes并试图解决传统html框架出现的问题。
  • When the world wide web consortium released the first working draft of xhtml 2 . 0 on 5 august 2002 , the major surprise was that , unlike its predecessors , it was not backward compatible
    当万维网联盟( world wide web consortium ( w3c ) )于2002年8月5日发布xhtml 2 . 0的第一个工作草案时,最让人吃惊的是:与其先前的版本不同,它不是向后兼容的。
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