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  • Secondhand smoke is now classified as a toxic air pollutant , along with diesel fumes , asbestos , and industrial pollution … unlike the others , tobacco smoke has no safe level of exposure
  • Major industrial pollutants climbed in the first nine months compared with the same period last year driven by fast economic growth and high emissions of sulfur dioxide , figures from the sepa show
  • Industrial pollution brought a seven - fold increase in soot - also known as black carbon - in arctic snow during the late 19th and early 20th centuries , scientists at the desert research institute found
    工业污染带来了七倍的烟尘? ?像我们知道的炭黑? ? ?极地研究所的科学家们从19世纪末到20世纪初在北极的雪中发现了。
  • Rising levels of dust and industrial pollutants from the surrounding city of agra , 130 miles ( 210km ) southeast of delhi , have stained some of its white marble surfaces yellow
    泰姬陵位于距新德里东南130英里( 210公里)的阿格拉市,由于阿格拉周边地区的粉尘和工业污染日益严重,泰姬陵白色大理石表面的一些地方开始发黄。
  • Things that need to be done include constructing sports facilities , housing , roads , airport terminals , transit railways and telecom infrastructure and launching projects to reduce industrial pollution
    必须开工建设的项目包括体育场馆,住房,道路,机场候机楼,地铁和电信设施和减轻工业污染的工程。本文来自news . jewelove . net
  • Environmental pollution exhaust from factory and vehicles , prolonged contact with chemicals such as asbestos can increase the chance of lung cancer . in addition , consumption of industrial pollutant . e . g
  • To protect xiamen ' s marathon runners and spectators this saturday , the green breathing association is calling on marathon - goers to voluntarily observe a smokefree zone … no smoking within 25 feet of the marathon course
  • Compared with the reported pcbs concentrations in sediments of other coastal areas in china and other countries , the level of pcbs pollution in jiaozhou bay was about the average of non - metropolitan cities
  • Purpose assist the industrial sector in improving mangagement practices and preventing pollution ; collect and analyze information on dorrestic and international foundations ; and sponsor domestic and international philanthropic events
    成立主旨1 .协助工业界改善经济营体质及防治工业污染2 . ?集及研析世界各国与本国基金会资料。 3 .赞助国内外公益活动。
  • Since 2003 , supervision departments of every level have cooperated with environmental protection organs and effectively solved outstanding problems , including the pollution of coke enterprises and industrial pollution from electrolytic manganese
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