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  • During 50 - 70 years because of the influence domestic and international situation in addition to the cold war and ideological factors , new china ' s external assistance experienced some twists and turns , but generally the aid of the period made more countries of the world and more people understand china , and these nation established good diplomatic relations with the p . l . c . , safeguard the country ' s diplomatic interests more effectively . the p . l . c
    建国后50 - 70年代的国际、国内形势加上意识形态和冷战等因素的影响,新中国的对外援助工作经历了一些波折,但总的说来这一时期的对外援助,让世界上更多的国家和人民了解了中国,并为中国与其它国家建立良好的外交关系起了十分重要的促进作用,更为切实地维护了我国的外交利益。
  • Similarly , foreign aid policies should also be dynamic therefore , to analysis , evaluation , summarizing history correctly , makes us for our objective grasp of history , from a historical perspective and look at our foreign aid work today , and establishing a more realistic foreign aid policy , is the thrust of this writing
  • The article begin with the domestic and international background of 50 - 70 years of international situation , describs of the period of our foreign aid briefly , focused on the analysis of external assistance or to sum up the experience with a view to our work of a new era of foreign aid for reference
    本文试图从新中国50 - 70年代对外援助的国内、国际背景入手,简要叙述我国这段时期的对外援助情况,着重分析对外援助得失,从而总结经验教训,以期对我国新时期的对外援助工作起一个借鉴参考作用。
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