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  • But even his critics praised his clear reasoning and simple writing . he was called a management guru
  • If you are a master or a grand master , you can hire a lower level npc to sell your items for you
  • The frontal part of the base had sculptured a passage “ northern shaolin southern diversification master gu ruzhang ” in chinese
    底座正面石碑刻有《北少林拳南传顾汝章宗师碑文》 。
  • " the literary man in this country , " emerson said in 1836 , " has no critic and without literary antecedents .
    爱默生在一八三六年说, “这个国家的文人没有人批评,也没有文学上的宗师。 ”
  • Contains 64 pages , published in september 2003 , priced at hk 28 . bilingual in chinese and english . collated by lai sek
    堪称光与影一代宗师的茂瑙f . w . murnau ,为德国默片史上的重要人物。
  • And there ' s no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger . actually , he ' d likely be a blogging guru
  • Knowledge of iron palm and viper is not often shared , as most martial practicioners consider them to be in opposition to classical teaching
  • Hero with cardinal adv . class , gm resurrection , possessing both saint ranan ' s staff and ankh of life will resurrects 100 % of units , killed in combat
    当英雄职业为红衣主教,拥有宗师复活,装备有圣徒法杖与生命十字章时,可进行100 %复活。
  • Our association was registered as tung kong chow s family praying mantis association company limited and the person in charge is ip chee keung ( chief grandmaster )
  • Master gu especially stressed on research and development of chinese martial arts , he had published “ dragon sword ” , “ three palms in eight steps ” , etc
    顾汝章宗师还十分重视武术的研究整理,先后出版《龙形剑》 、 《八步三掌》等武术套路专著。
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