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  • This book tells you how plumage , shape of the beak , and features of feet and claws differ from species to species , and introduces breeding behaviors like how birds build nest , hatch eggs and rear their kids
  • Moreover the birds frequently varied their attitudes to child care between clutches , overall nurturing twice as many as they abandoned , so most of the eggs did hatch live chicks
  • A separate biosecurity protocol would be devised for hatcheries . the hatcheries would for example have to be bird - proofed and the hatchery workers should not have contact with other live poultry
  • On a thyme - scented , bird - hatching morning in may , between two and three years after the return from trantridge - silent reconstructive years for tess durbeyfield - she left her home for the second time
  • But ought she not primarily to be able to milk cows , churn good butter , make immense cheeses ; know how to sit hens and turkeys , and rear chickens , to direct a field of labourers in an emergency , and estimate the value of sheep and calves
    “但是,这个姑娘首先是不是应该会挤牛奶,会搅黄油,会做美味的奶酪呢?首先是不是应该懂得照顾母鸡和火鸡孵蛋,懂得照顾小鸡,懂得在紧急时候指挥工人种地,懂得给牛羊估价呢? ”
  • So he played a more coaxing game ; and while never going beyond words , or attempting the renewal of caresses , he did his utmost orally . in this way clare persistently wooed her in undertones like that of the purling milk - at the cow s side , at skimmings , at butter - makings , at cheese - makings , among broody poultry , and among farrowing pigs - as no milkmaid was ever wooed before by such a man
  • Ash trees can resist many dieases , but they can not resist the emerald ash borer . it lays eggs on the bark , then the young larva drill into and feed on the inner bark . this harms the ability of the tree to transport water and nutrients . the insect is attacking tree farms and can also spread when logs and firewood are transported
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