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  • You will see what impetus would be given to your efforts and mine by our physical and mental union in marriage : the only union that gives a character of permanent conformity to the destinies and designs of human beings ; and , passing over all minor caprices - all trivial difficulties and delicacies of feeling - all scruple about the degree , kind , strength or tenderness of mere personal inclination - you will hasten to enter into that union at once
    你就会看到我们肉体和精神上的结合,将会对你我的努力有多大的促进!只有这种结合才能给人类的命运和设想以一种永久一致的特性。而且只要你摆脱一切琐细的任性克服感情上的一切细小障碍和娇气放弃考虑个人爱好的程度种类力量或是柔情你就会立刻急于要达成这种结合。 ”
  • The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness , had yielded to a listless apathy ; there was less of the peevish temper of a child which frets and teases on purpose to be soothed , and more of the self - absorbed moroseness of a confirmed invalid , repelling consolation , and ready to regard the good - humoured mirth of others as an insult
  • Andrew described a childhood memory when , like any other parent , the queen picked him up when he came off his tricycle while playing at windsor castle . " yes , she used to pick us up and she ' d say " do n ' t be so silly , there ' s nothing wrong with you , go and wash it off "
    安德鲁回忆说,当他小时候在温莎城堡骑自行车不慎车摔下来时,女王就像普通的母亲一样把他扶起来并鼓励他要勇敢, “是的,当我们摔倒后她总是把我们扶起来,然后说‘不要那么娇气,你没事儿,快去洗干净’就像许多母亲所做的那样” 。
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