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  • In dialogue with local knowledge : n shu ' s textuality , intertextuality and performance . paper presented at the confucianism workshop on modernities and localization . harvard yenching institute , cambridge , ma , june 4 - 5
    与地方知识对话:女书的文本、互为文本与展演。发表于儒学工作会议:现代性与本土性化学术研讨会,哈佛燕京社主办, 6月4 - 5日。
  • In 1983 , after the announcement of finding women ' s script in jiangyong county , hunan province to the world , it was very astonishing and attracted broad interests from many national and international academics , specialists and the media
  • Here , instead of approaching china as confucian china , or the gentry state of china , we encounter taoist , buddhist , shamanistic ways and mores , women script nu shu , folk stories and beliefs , the ma zu religion and a host of lively imaginations
    再来就是中国人类学课程中常见的“小传统” ,不以儒家思想或士绅社会来分析中国,而用道教佛教和原始宗教的习俗女书民间故事和信仰妈祖等等。
  • In order to gain experience addressing the possibility of a different language , i went visit the region in the year 1998 , 2000 and 2002 . through generations of practices , some women had defined for themselves positive terms in their contexts and produced their records with
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