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  • In 2004 , researchers from the university of padua announced the discovery of a very faint and much less detailed image on the reverse side of the shroud , consisting of the face and hands
  • This time we were again lodged at the house of a sincere sister practicing the convenient method , and we counted on the help of other sincere brothers and sisters from cordoba to set up and conduct the seminar
  • Farmhand demester , who is called up to fight a war in middle east . the ensemble female cast of spanish director pedro almodovar ' s " volver , " including penelope cruz and carmen maura , won the best actress prize
  • The striker started his career with amateur side reggiolo calcio , before spending the second half of the 1997 / 98 season at padova calcio in serie b and the next two campaigns at castel di sangro calcio in serie c1
    这名射手起步在雷焦洛业余球会,之后97 / 98赛季在帕多瓦度过了后半个意乙赛季,之后在丙一球队血堡队踢了2年球。
  • " we find that bmi affects wages negatively in europe , and that the size of this effect is larger for males than for females , " said giorgio brunello , an economist at the university of padova in italy
    意大利帕多瓦大学的经济学家吉奥乔?布鲁尼罗说: “我们发现,在欧洲,体重指数的增长会对收入产生负面影响,而且这种影响对于男性更为明显。 ”
  • " we find that bmi affects wages negatively in europe , and that the size of this effect is larger for males than for females , " said giorgio brunello , an economist at the university of padova in italy
    意大利帕多瓦大学的经济学家吉奥乔布鲁尼罗说: “我们发现,在欧洲,体重指数的增长会对收入产生负面影响,而且这种影响对于男性更为明显。 ”
  • Almodovar won best screenplay for volver , his bitter - sweet tale of abuse , abandonment and reconciliation which was the critics " favorite to take the palme d ' or before the awards were announced
    阿莫多瓦凭借影片回归夺得最佳编剧奖,这部以虐待抛弃及和解为主题的“苦甜”片在大奖出炉前被影评人士一致看好,被认为最有实力冲击“金棕榈” 。
  • In the 13th century , under ferdinand iii , the saint , cordoba ' s great mosque was turned into a cathedral and new defensive structures , particularly the alc ? ar de los reyes cristianos and the torre fortaleza de la calahorra , were erected
  • Cordoba ' s period of greatest glory began in the 8th century after the moorish conquest , when some 300 mosques and innumerable palaces and public buildings were built to rival the splendours of constantinople , damascus and baghdad
  • Besides , i always choose one that consumes the least electricity . they bought some 400 - watt heaters for me , but i dare not use them because i don t think they are necessary . for me alone , 300 watts is more than enough , and i use it only because i can t find a heater with a lower power consumption rating
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