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  • British embassy beijing - uk and china - environment - speech for the energy and environment ministers roundtable
  • Perez is a member of the board of directors of freescale semiconductor , inc . and a member of the business roundtable
  • The professors ' round table discussion , organised by the academy of management , had as its subject " what should be done about ceo pay ?
    此次由美国管理学会组织的教授圆桌会议的议题是` : “首席执行官的报酬何去何从? ”
  • President bush is set to deliver a prime - time address from the oval office monday in memory of the victims of the september 11th attacks
    译文:为悼念在9 . 11恐怖袭击中遇难的死者,布什总统准备在周一圆桌会议的黄金时间发表演说。
  • On december 2nd , 2002 , a roundtable meeting was held to discuss the long - term feasibility of a highly audacious approach to the prevention and cure of cancer
  • We will have a round table discussion during the symposium where you can discuss the technical and market trends of fpd industry with fpd specialist word wide
  • Enthusiasm for it is growing , as demonstrated by the calibre of the fourth sens roundtable , a meeting focused on it which i ran in july 2004
    这方面的积极性正在增大,正如第四次sens圆桌会议的规模所表明的那样(这次会议是我于2004年7月举办的,聚焦于这个项目) 。
  • As soon as he set off for the middle east after a working morning session , his chair at the round - table talks was swiftly whisked away
    于是在结束了上午的工作会议,布什的座机起飞开往中东之后,他在圆桌会议上的座椅就马上被搬走了。英语新闻学习http : news . jewelove . net
  • Opening statement by the financial secretary , mr henry tang , at a press conference on hong kong s bid to host the international telecommunication union telecom world 2006 on june 3 , 2004
  • Opening statement by the financial secretary , mr henry tang , at a press conference on hong kong s bid to host the international telecommunication union telecom world 2006 on june 3 , 2004
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