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  • Blood tests of animals in africa later found evidence of m # 111nkeypox infection in a number of african rodents
  • The local council are advertising for a rodent operator , which in common parlance means a rat catcher
  • Packaging code - protection against spoilage of packages and their contents by micro - organisms , insects , mites and rodents
  • Biologists routinely give human diseases to rodents in an attempt to learn what has gone awry in people
  • I usually eat only insects but also might eat fruit and flower nectar . sometimes i even feast on small birds , lizards and rodents like mice
  • Farmers are using everything from poison to hammers ? and even their bare hands ? to kill the rodents , lulu noted
    露露特别指出(强调) : “村民门正竭尽全力灭鼠,他们撒毒药、用锤子砸、甚至用手抓,想尽各种方法杀灭这些啮齿动物。 ”
  • Studies in rodents support the link : female mice and hamsters with infected gums give birth to smaller pups and suffer more spontaneous abortions
  • The rodents were rather rotund , because osteocalcin helps regulate the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas and release it into the bloodstream
  • Sinclair ' s team is continuing the research and hopes to test the molecule ' s life - extending properties on rodents and , eventually , humans
  • " they seem to have wandered in after the last rains , " he replied softly . " i suppose they must be living off the rodents and birds .
    “好像它俩自从上次雨季后就已经在这儿游荡了。 ”他小声回答我, “我猜这两个小家伙一定是在躲避那些啮齿动物和鸟儿。 ”
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