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  • The product is separated from the principle of suction by the absorption layer , a buffer layer , integrated sound insulation layer formed
  • Originally it was supposed to be a pipe , but after a couple of puffs , he felt sick and went for the carrot instead
  • Almost four in five smokers smoke cigarettes once described as mild or light , said the executive director of quit , todd harper
    “戒烟”组织执行董事t . h说,每五名吸烟者中有四人吸的香烟曾被描述为是淡味及低焦油含量的。
  • And when too many of these negative or hatreful atmospheres are created , they are drawn together by the law of " like attracts like . " then they become vast and more powerful . they can influence even the weather and will influence people s hearts
  • Only occasionally the soul rises gasping through the fathomless fathoms under which we live , far up to the surface of the ether , where there is true air . i am convinced that the air we normally breathe is a kind of water , and men and women are a species of fish
  • You ll attract or create that kind of lively atmosphere and luck , or a feeling of being very happy . then you ll attract more happiness , more light , more liveliness , a more bright - hearted feeling ; and then luck will come . that s what we call " good luck .
  • But he was undeniably handsome with an exquisite nose and he was what he looked , every inch a gentleman , the shape of his head too at the back without his cap on that she would know anywhere something off the common and the way he turned the bicycle at the lamp with his hands off the bars and also the nice perfume of those good cigarettes and besides they were both of a size and that was why edy boardman thought she was so frightfully clever because he didn t go and ride up and down in front of her bit of a garden
  • Ladies and gentlemen , today i want to talk about smoking . smoking not only make you smell terrible , it ' s also terrible for your health . if you smoke , everyone in your home is breathing in your second hand smoke . smoke makes your teeth yellow , your throat hurt , and your lung black . smoking is also like throwing money away . each pakeage of cigarettes you smoke is really money going up in smoke . if you smoke , i hope you will try your best to give up this destructive habit . you own it to yourself and your family to live a healthy life
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