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  • Nearly 80 minutes into the hearing , judiciary committee chairman john conyers banged the gavel to restore order after a member of the audience briefly disrupted the proceedings
  • In presenting his plan wednesday , senator frist said he disagreed with a plan put forth by the senate judiciary committee earlier this week that would create a guest worker program
  • Biden wasn ' t the only one who dropped the ball . newsweek has learned that sen . strom thurmond , the ranking republican on judiciary , didn ' t tell all the five gop members of the allegations
    犯错的不只拜登一人。 《新闻周刊》获悉司法委员会资深共和党参议员瑟曼未将指控告知所有5位共和党委员。
  • “ we had anticipated bringing the majority , if not all of those , to the united states , ” ms . sauerbrey said at a hearing of the immigration subcommittee of the senate judiciary committee
    “即便不能完全接收的话,我们预计可以接受其中大部分难民, ”索尔布雷在参议员司法委员会移民小组委员会的听证会上说。
  • He said the committee ' s proposed temporary worker program did not provide amnesty for illegal immigrants and would provide a way to identify the estimated 11 - million undocumented workers in the country
  • House * judiciary a committee chairmen john * conyers said lawmakers should not stand * ( be “ stampeded ” ) into approving permanent legislation now , saying more time is required to examine documents among other things
  • " my hope is that sanity could return to this chamber , " judiciary committee chairman arlen specter , republican of pennsylvania , groused on the floor wednesday morning . " if it existed , it is gone .
    "我希望公正和理智能够重回这个议厅, "司法委员会主席,宾西法尼亚共和党阿伦。斯派克特在周三上午发言时抱怨说, “若公正和理智曾经存在过的话,现在却消逝殆尽了。 ”
  • There are signs that 77 - year - old john conyers , chairman of the house judiciary committee , will use his power to sound old civil - rights tunes and to raise some crowd - pleasing issues , such as reparations for slavery
  • He said the committee ' s proposed temporary worker program did not provide amnesty for illegal immigrants and would provide a way to identify the estimated 11 - million undocumented workers in the country . white moth threatens green olympics
  • In his testimony , inspector general glenn fine told the house judiciary committee that the fbi dramatically increased the number of national security letters in violation of statues , and policies established by the bureau and the u . s
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