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  • These include insulin , sulfonylurea medications for type 2 diabetes , corticosteroids , diuretics , birth control pills , deferoxamine , rifampin , terbutaline , and propranolol
  • The researchers analyzed each child ' s sodium appetite according to neonatal diuretic treatment , and used each child ' s lowest recorded serum sodium leels as an index of sodium loss
  • Then we know that especially thiazide diuretics and calcium antagonists are very well proven in the elderly women , for example , systolic hypertension , we have several trials
  • Rosalind mixes extract of dandelion leaves with other herbs to alleviate bladder problems as dandelion is also a powerful diuretic which helps to flush out bacteria
  • The researchers concluded that low sodium blood serum in infants - not gestational age , birthweight or neonatal diuretic treatment - predicts an increased intake of dietary sodium later in life
  • Once the cardiac origin of weaning failure is clearly shown , a specific treatment based on diuretics and asodilators should be proposed , although no recent study has addressed this question specifically
  • And in addition , we know thiazide diuretics can prevent osteoporosis , especially in northern europe , there is a lack of sunshine , so some elderly women have osteoporosis , and we have to protect them
  • It ' s possible that people with allergies to sulfonamide - type medications , such as sulfa antibiotics or thiazide diuretics ( water pills ) , develop allergies when using sulfonylurea medications , such as glyburide
  • To investigate whether " intensive unloading " with the use of diuretics might help in this situation , the researchers conducted an in - hospital study of 15 patients with severe osa , hypertension , and diastolic heart failure
    为了研究利尿剂的“强效利尿”作用是否能有助于缓解这种情况,研究人员对15名患严重osa 、高血压及舒张期心衰的患者进行了一项医院内研究。
  • The faster the speed of weight loss , the more dangerous the method is . for example , diuretics speed up water loss and cause a decrease in body weight in a short time . such an effect , however , does not last long . overdosing of diuretics can lead to a derangement of the mineral content in the body which may cause dire consequences such as heart failure or even death
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