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  • “ we are looking for a young player with international experience , somebody who might not be the best footballer , but someone who is always willing to battle .
    “我们在寻找一个具有国际比赛经验的年轻队员,他也许不是最好的,但在时刻准备战斗。 ”
  • Being equipoised in happiness and unhappiness , profit and loss , victory and defeat ; thereafter prepare for battle and in this way you will not incur sinful reaction
  • He sat square and well - groomed in his chair , his hair sleek and blond , and his face fresh , his blue eyes pale , and a little prominent , his expression inscrutable , but well - bred
  • The mean streets of britain are seeing the emergence of gang members of primary school age who are prepared to fight , rob , deal drugs and even kill to uphold the reputation of their " crews "
    英国主要的大街上到处可见出现的团伙小学年龄的成员,正在准备战斗,抢劫,毒品交易甚至杀死抑制他们声誉的"成员" 。
  • It has a vibrant and dynamic capital , dublin , which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of europe
  • King , thereafter while about to engage in the releasing of weapons , arjuna on whose banner hanuuman is pictured , having observed the sons of dhrtarastra ready for battle , at that time taking up his bow and spoke these words unto lord krsna
  • O king , thereafter while about to engage in the releasing of weapons , arjuna on whose banner hanuuman is pictured , having observed the sons of dhrtarastra ready for battle , at that time taking up his bow and spoke these words unto lord krsna
  • Preserve his army ; put weapons of brass in the hands that wage war in thy name , and gird them about with strength for the battle . take thou the lance and shield , and rise up to succour us , and put to shame and to confusion them that devise evil against us , and let them be scattered before the face of thy faithful armament like dust before the wind ; and may thy mighty angel put them to flight and to confusion . and let the net ensnare them when they wot not of it , and their plots that they have hatched in secret be turned against them
  • Now the trumpet summons us again - - not as a call to bear arms , though arms we need - - not as a call to battle , though embattled we are - - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle , year in and year out , rejoicing in hope , patient in tribulation , a struggle against the common enemies of man : tyranny , poverty , disease , and war itself
    现在,召唤的号角又一次吹响? ?不是号召我们扛起武器,虽然武器是我们所需要的? ?也不是号召我们去参加战斗,虽然我们准备战斗? ?而是号召我们年复一年地去进行一场漫长而未分胜负的搏斗,在希望中欢乐,而患难中忍耐,以反对人类共同的敌人:暴政、贫困、疾病以及战争本身。
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