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  • Act of investigation is the act executed during the process of investigation , and power of investigation is a kind of power and function manifested by investigation . only legal subjects entrusted with the power of investigation can implement the act of investigation
  • The westernization movement office - holder ' s thought - " chinese learning as fundamental structure , western learning for practical use " , and yung wing ' s thought - " total westernization " were the two coexistent guiding ideas running through the process of chinese children studying in the u . s . a . they formed an incisive ideological and cultural proposition in modem china as well
    贯穿于整个留学过程中的两条不同的思想路线? ?洋务派的“中体西用”和容闳的“全盘西化”又是中国近代历史上深刻的思想文化命题,从而昭示出近代社会发展的深刻哲理。
  • China international sports surface test center ( cist ) , jointly set up by the chinese basketball association , the international sportsfloor test association ( ist ) and so on , is the third examination organization engaging in the sports surface examination with independent legal status in asia
    中体建科国际运动地面检测中心(英文缩写cist ) ,是由中国篮球协会、国际体育地面科学学会( ist )等中外四家联合组建,是亚洲唯一从事专业体育运动地面研究检测并具有独立法人地位的第三方检测机构。
  • China international sports surface test center ( cist ) , jointly set up by the chinese basketball association , the international sportsfloor test association ( ist ) and so on , is the third examination organization engaging in the sports surface examination with independent legal status in asia
    中体建科国际运动地面检测中心(英文缩写cist ) ,是由中国篮球协会、国际体育地面科学学会( ist ) 、国家林业局原木锯材产品质量监督检验站等中外四家联合组建,是亚洲唯一从事专业体育运动地面研究检测并具有独立法人地位的第三方检测机构。
  • The westernization education became the basic modal of school education selected by the qing government . but the re - formers differed from the westernization supporters on their understanding of westernization . they insisted on reform and advocated spreading the western culture and some social science in school education content
    但是,维新派在对“中体西用”的理解上,逐渐已不同于洋务派,他们主张变法图强,提倡在教育内容中增加“西政”变“西学”为“新学” ,一些社会学科的内容进入学校教育内容之中。
  • The spreading of western culture in school education system and the push of the reform movement helped the set - up of china ' s first school system . in 1902 - 1904 school system . the western culture first led a leading role in amount , yet the confucian classics still occupied a considerable proportion under the guide of the old thoughts . in 1912 . the nanging temporary govemmend promulgated the 1912 - 1913 school system and abolished confucian courses
    “西学”内容在学校教育内容中的增加和维新思潮的巨大推动,促成我国近代第一个学制的诞生,在壬寅癸卯学制中, “西学”内容第一次在量上占居主导地位,但在“中体西用”指导思想下,读经的比例仍较大。
  • The goal of my research mainly optimized the algorithms of 3d rendering and integrate some accelerating algorithms of volume rendering to achieve high rendering speed and finish a 3d rendering software packages based on the personal machine ( pc ) . the work and achievements completed in this paper consists of : firstly , this paper systematically investigates some key issues of volume rendering . the related work includes algorithm principle , key techniques and accelerated techniques
  • The fifth chapter discusses the transition from traditional study of confucian ciassics to departmentalized modern knowledge system with natural science as its core . due to the knowledge ' s position in the higher education , the knowledge transition becomes the key to the transition of modern higher education . from the habit of taking confucian classics as the only legitimate knowiedge form to combining western learning and chinese learning based on the principles of western science originating from chinese academy ( xi - xue - zhong - yuan ) and chinese learning as the essence and western learning for its utility ( zhong - ti - xi - yong ) , then to lift the natured s
  • Before the establishment of the china ' s modern school system , the education content at the end of the qing dynasty was superficial and old and decayed . and the inovation was imperative . being familiar with the west . the earliestly awaken intellectuals put toward the theory of " learning from the west and then coping with them " . the missionary school in china set up by the missionary also promoted the spreading of the western culture and acted unconsciously as the tools of the history . after the opium war ( 1840 - 1842 ) , the great western powers invaded china and the the westernization momement began
    在我国近代学制建立之前,清末教育内容空疏陈腐,革新势在必行,最先觉悟的一批知识分子从“经世致用”和对西方的了解出发,提出了“师夷长技以制夷” ;而传教士在华的教会学校也促进了“西学”的传播, “充当了历史的不自觉工具” ;鸦片战争后,西方列强用坚船利炮打开了中国国门,洋务教育在洋务运动中兴起, “西语” 、 “西艺”进入教育内容之中,受“中体西用”思想的影响,与读经内容杂陈在一起,成为清政府对学校教育内容的基本选择模式。
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