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  • Picture of lady officials by gu kaizhi , a top painter of the eastern jin dynasty ( ad 317 - 420 ) , is there
  • On the origins of the names of daoist deities and the visualization practice of supreme clarity school in the eastern jin dynasty
  • Nanjing confucius temple was built in song dynasty ( a . d . 1034 ) and expanded in east jin dynasty
    南京夫子庙始建于宋景佑元年(公元1034年) ,由东晋学宫扩建而成。
  • Emphasizing military affairs and the change of social status of shen family of wuxing from eastern jin to southern dynasty
  • Grand buddha temple in xinchang county was first built during the early years of the reign of yonghe of the eastern jin dynasty 317 - 420 ad
  • But who really thought literature after the independence " above the morals " , have not obtained the position that " higher than all and talks about " in the southern dynasties
    然而独立后的文学并没有在东晋被谁真的认为过“驾乎道德之上” ,更没有在南朝取得过“高于一切说”的地位。
  • Ge - xian - mi ( nostoc ) is an edible cyanobacterium . it occupies a prestigious position in chinese human social behavior and has been used as a food delicacy or ingredient of chinese medicine since the eastern jin dynasty
    葛仙米( nostoc )是一种珍稀的食用蓝藻,自东晋( 317 - 420ad )开始即被作为一种美食和中草药成份,在国人的社会生活中占有一定地位。
  • There were once over 200 gardens in the city , and 69 of them are still in good preservation today . the concept of suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city limits , since it generally refers to all those private gardens built in the regions south of the yangtze
  • There were once over 200 gardens in the city , and 69 of them are still in good preservation today . the concept of suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city limits , since it generally refers to all those private gardens built in the regions south of the yangtze
  • Jiankang shilu written by xusong during the tang dynasty , is a significant ancient record of historical facts of over four hundred years , the six dynasties , namely , the sun wu dynasty , the eastern jin dynasty , the song dynasty , the qi dynasty , the liang dynasty and the chen dynasty
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