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year on year

"year on year"的翻译和解释


  • China ' s foreign trade registered $ 645 . 03 billion in the first half of this year , increasing by 23 . 2percent year on year
    今年上半年中国的外汇储备为645 . 03美元,比去年同期上升了23 . 2个百分点。
  • Steel exports are up by 55 per cent year on year in the 11 months to november and have contributed significantly to the swelling surplus
    在今年头11个月里,钢铁出口较上年增长55 % ,对顺差扩大起到很大作用。
  • Globally , the total number of trees and associated organic matter has fallen year on year , in some places for as long as records have existed
  • Net profit also advanced 66 % year on year to hk153 , 290 , 000 with basic earnings per share rising from hk23 . 6 cents in 200203 to hk30 . 4 cents of the reporting year
    纯利亦较去年增加66 %至153 , 290 , 00港元,每股基本盈利由二零零二零三年的23
  • Total vehicle production volume dropped by 3 . 3 % year on year in january - april , and production levels are set to drop further over the next year or so
    在1月到4月,总的车辆生产额与同年相比降低了3 . 3 % ,生产的水平在明年也开始大幅度的下滑。
  • The number of couples getting married also increased last year , with 9 . 45 million s registered nationwide , an increase of 1 . 2 million year on year , the report said
  • Ministry of public security data show that police handled 4 . 19 million criminal cases in the first 11 months of 2006 , down 0 . 8 percent year on year
    据公安部的有关数据显示,公安部门2006年前11个月共破获刑事犯罪案件共419万起,比去年同期下降0 . 8 。
  • Ministry of public security data show that police handled 4 . 19 million criminal cases in the first 11 months of 2006 , down 0 . 8 percent year on year
    据公安部的有关数据显示,公安部门2006年前11个月共破获刑事犯罪案件共419万起,比去年同期下降0 . 8 。
  • The ministry of civil affairs calculates the number of divorces in terms of cases per 1 , 000 people . last year , that figure rose to 1 . 46 from 1 . 37 year on year , the ministry said
    据民政部统计,我国每一千人中的离婚数从前一年的1 . 37升至去年的1 . 46 。
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