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shoot straight

"shoot straight"的翻译和解释


  • The bulls could match that easily with , say , ben wallace and gordon , giving the rockets power forward protection for yao and a shooter for their gang that can ' t shoot straight
  • But because he wears his heart on his sleeve , because he openly sulks when things go wrong , and because he sometimes takes matters into his own hands when his teammates can ? shoot straight ( which happened roughly every game in jersey ) , it led to the impression that he was selfish
    但是或许是因为马布里过于坦诚吧,又或许因为他在事情搞砸之后总是掩饰不住心中的怒火,再或许是因为有时当队友们忘记了如何投篮(在新泽西,这种情况几乎每场比赛都会发生) ,他就会把接管一切,这给人的印象就是他很自私。
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