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peony pavilion

"peony pavilion"的翻译和解释


  • There at the peony pavilion by the terrace of flowers and aided by heaven , they couched themselves on flowers and made love , with more tenderness than words can tell
  • Written by the famous playwright tang xianzu ( 1550 - 1616 ) , the peony pavilion is not only one of china ' s greatest dramas , but also a perennial favorite on the kunju stage
  • Following the huge success of the peony pavilion ( youth version ) by suzhou kunju opera troupe on beijing stage this october , the palace of eternal youth , another kunqu classic , swept beijing again at the end of this year
    继苏州昆剧院青春版《牡丹亭》 2004年10月晋京献演赢取巨大成功后, 2004年岁末, 《长生殿》又在北京掀起了一股昆剧旋风。
  • The fact the peony pavilion was very popular among women audience in the ming and the qing dynasties reflects , on the subconscious level , their desire of relieving themselves in such daydream like works from the heavy burden of reality
    从潜意识层面看,明清女性接受者由衷喜爱《牡丹亭》 ,正反映出现实压抑状况中的她们渴望通过这“白日梦”般的艺术得到某种心理减压。
  • " narratives of origination in nuosu traditions " , presented at the interdisciplinary symposium - - beyond peony pavilion : performance , ethnicity and cultural processes in china ( ppec ) - - , columbus , ohio state university ( osu ) apri28 - 29 , 2001
    "诺苏文学传统中的述源叙事" ,国际跨学科讨论会:超越牡丹亭中国的表演?族群性?文化进程。美国哥伦布斯:俄亥俄州立大学, 2001年4月28 29日。
  • For the time being we do not have adequate materials to determine the exact time of publication , but textual analysis shows that the resurrection of du li niang is much influenced by the story of du li biang and the peony pavilion
  • To assist with the inauguration of the national grand theatre in beijing this october , hku will collaborate with the china art academy , the cultural industries institute of peking university , and the world heritage fund to organise a kunqu international convention in beijing . major activities of the convention include conferences , an inaugural performance of a youthful rendition of the " peony pavilion
  • The peony pavilion of a play classic has various chinese and foreign editions , fulfilling to accept the esthetic literary history theories that readers get involved ins this paper regards accepting the esthetic methodology as the degree of dimension for bai xian - yong the peony pavilion plans , investigates to deduce from literature classic to the drama process , investigates the reader ' s baixian - yong arriveing at the white that is used as the fabricator of the conversion , and investigates the western and modern theories on the chinese classic that a play reorganizes
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