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  • At his residence of los pinos on wednesday evening , mexican president vicente fox announced the deaths of huerta , federal police commander tomas valencia and several other top officials in the crash of the helicopter that took them from mexico city to the high - security prison of la palma , in mexico state
  • This child , for whom my poor sister would go to the town , five or six leagues off , to purchase the earliest fruits and the most tempting sweetmeats , preferred to palma grapes or genoese preserves , the chestnuts stolen from a neighbor s orchard , or the dried apples in his loft , when he could eat as well of the nuts and apples that grew in my garden
  • World - renowned hong kong tenor warren mok has performed many leading roles since his european debut in 1987 at the deutsche oper berlin . with a distinguished international career , mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world , including teatro colon in buenos aires , paris opera , teatro dell opera di roma , teatro comunale di bologna , teatro massimo palermo , opera de lyon , the netherlands opera , opera de nice , leipzig opera , royal danish opera , teatro di san carlos lisbon , bolshoi theatre , warsaw opera , teatro di cagliari , abao bilbao , teatro di palma di mallorca , nancy opera france , bergen opera norway , latvian national opera , lithuanian national opera , sydney opera house , hawaii opera theater , and concert halls in new york s carnegie hall , london s royal albert hall , berlin philharmonie , tokyo , seoul , etc . his operatic repertoire exceeds 50 roles including calaf in
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