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of matrimony

"of matrimony"的翻译和解释


  • Extremely happy for more than 39 years , the houdinis never attempted escape from the bonds of matrimony
  • John smith , do you take this woman , mary white , to be your lawful wedded wife , to live together in the estate of matrimony
  • John smith , do you take this woman , mary white , to be your lawful wedded wife , to live together in the estate of matrimony
  • Groom ' s name ) , do you take ( bride ' s name ) for your lawful wedded wife , to live together after god ' s ordinance , in the holy estate of matrimony
    新郎的名字) ,你愿意把(新娘的名字)作为你合法的妻子,在上帝的法令下生活在一起,生活在婚姻的神圣产业下吗
  • Bride ' s name ) , do you take ( groom ' s name ) for your lawful wedded husband , to live together after god ' s ordinance , in the holy estate of matrimony
    新娘的名字) ,你愿意把(新郎的名字)作为你合法的丈夫,在上帝的法令下生活在一起,生活在婚姻的神圣产业下吗
  • When in the flush of such feelings he heard his wife s voice , when the insistent demands of matrimony recalled him from dreams to a stale practice , how it grated
  • The service began . the explanation of the intent of matrimony was gone through ; and then the clergyman came a step farther forward , and , bending slightly towards mr . rochester , went on
  • Thus much for my general intention in favour of matrimony ; it remains to be told why my views were directed to longbourn instead of my own neighbourhood , where i assure you there are many amiable young women
  • In ignorance , said he , of the significance of your promise , you took a vow of conjugal fidelity to a man who , on his side , was guilty of sacrilege in entering on the sacrament of matrimony with no faith in its religious significance
  • She had always felt that charlotte s opinion of matrimony was not exactly like her own , but she could not have supposed it possible that , when called into action , she would have sacrificed every better feeling to worldly advantage
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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