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odds ratios

"odds ratios"的翻译和解释


  • Based on random dot e test results , breast - fed children were significantly ( p = 0 . 001 ) more likely to have greater foveal stereoacuity than did children in either formula - fed group ( odds ratio , 2 . 5 )
  • In an analysis restricted to data for women with at least 80 % adherence to estrogen or placebo for at least 5 years , the multiariable odds ratios for high leels of coronary - artery calcium were about 60 % lower in estrogen users
    在一项妇女的限制性研究中80 %者至少服用雌激素或安慰剂5年,服用雌激素的高度冠状动脉钙化者多因素优势比大约降低60 % 。
  • Stepwise logistic regression showed that higher contraceptive attitudes ( odds ratio , or , 1 . 148 ) and previous contraceptive education in school ( or , 3 . 394 ) increased the probability of consistently using contraceptives , correctly classifying 67 . 2 % of the sample
  • In a model that tested for a threshold effect of third - trimester homocysteine leels , the researchers found that an eleated homocysteine leel was associated with a significant increase in the risk of schizophrenia ( odds ratio , 2 . 39 )
    在检测妊娠晚期同型半胱氨酸血水平临界值的模型中,研究者发现同型半胱氨酸血浓度值升高会明显增加精神分裂症高风险性(优势比2 . 39 ) 。
  • In a model that tested for a threshold effect of third - trimester homocysteine levels , the researchers found that an elevated homocysteine level was associated with a significant increase in the risk of schizophrenia ( odds ratio , 2 . 39 )
    在检测妊娠晚期同型半胱氨酸血水平临界值的模型中,研究者发现同型半胱氨酸血浓度值升高会明显增加精神分裂症高风险性(优势比2 . 39 ) 。
  • These two groups had significantly higher odds ratios ( or ) of having leucopenia or neutropenia ( combined or = 12 . 7 , p < 0 . 01 ) , but their small sample sizes , the exposure condition , and the lack of supportive literature evidence limited the validity of the results
  • Next , during school study , be released from production to take on other duty gives birth to more study and the time that think , can much on fundamental project take a moment , the odds ratio that although be the same as practice , is united in wedlock is inferior , but laid the foundation that go further however
  • The results showed that there is no significant difference between children of adolescent mothers and of adult mothers in terms of the prevalence of prematurity and congenital diseases , but the children of teenage mothers have a significantly higher prevalence of low birth weight ( adjusted odds ratio = 1 . 61 , 95 % ci = 1 . 21 - 2 . 80 ) than those of compared mothers
    本研究以台中市1997年初产青少女线亲及基婴儿为对象,结果显示;两组在早产儿及先天性疾病的比率方面没有差异,但低出生体重方面,青少女母亲组之胜算比为正常育龄母亲组的1 . 61倍( 95 % c . i . = 1 . 21 - 2 . 80 ) 。
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