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  • In listing 3 , it points to the interleaved mpeg - 4 movie
    在清单3中,它指向交替存储格式的mpeg - 4电影。
  • Mpeg - 4 standard is such a standard to solve above problems
    Mpeg - 4标准正是为解决这些问题应运而生的。
  • Embedded stream media player based on mpeg - 4 - bifs interactive technology
  • To show the mpeg - 4 movie on the cinema screen , you must call the
    要在影院屏幕上显示mpeg - 4电影,必须调用
  • On end - to - end architecture for transporting mpeg - 4 video over the internet
  • Design and implementation of mpeg - 4 digital monitoring system based on directshow technology
  • 9 iso iec jtc1 sc29 wg11 n3908 . mpeg - 4 video verification modelversion 18 . 0
  • The mpeg - 4 files should be in the ibm interleaved format see
    Mpeg - 4文件的格式应当是ibm交替存储格式(请参阅本文后面的
  • Then you ll use an applet to create a download - on - demand mpeg - 4 player
    然后再用applet创建一个随需下载的mpeg - 4播放器。
  • First , you ll code a custom java mpeg - 4 player using the sdk libraries
    首先我们将用sdk库编写一个定制的java mpeg - 4播放器。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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