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kitchen god

"kitchen god"的翻译和解释


  • This paper , utilized the theory and method of ethnology , dicusses the belief of the kitchen god of the tus in tuguan village of huzhu county
  • Spring festival begins on the 23rd of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar . people offer a sacrifice to the kitchen god on this day
    中国人从阴历腊月二十三日就开始过春节了。这一天的活动叫做“祭灶” ,也就是“拜灶王爷” 。
  • People put candies , branch water , beans or peas , and grass in front of the god . the last three are sacrifices to the horse ridden by the kitchen god
  • According to asian folklore , at the end of each lunar ear the kitchen god , who is assigned to watch each household , returns to heaven to report to the jade emperor on the members good and bad actions during the year
  • As a tradition , during the miner new year , which falls on december 23 of the lunar calendar , local farmers will clean their rooms , and slaughter pigs and sheep to offer to the kitchen god in hope that he returns to heaven happily
    这一天,要打扫房间,杀猪宰羊,欢送灶王爷一家携带鸡犬和马匹愉愉快快地返回天堂。虔诚的老祖母把精致的灶糖献上,希望这位“一家之主” “上天言好事,下界保平安” 。
  • Although asian in origin , the kitchen god has parallels in western culture . for example , hestia , a renowned goddess of ancient greece , and vesta , her roman counterpart , were associated with the warmth and comfort of the welcoming hearth . by sister initiates vuong vu and lynn mcgee ,
    灶神虽源于亚洲,但在西方文化中也有类似的神? ,如赫斯提亚hestia ,是古希腊的著名炉火女神,负责壁炉的温暖和舒适还有维斯达女神vesta ,也是罗马神话中家喻户晓的女灶神。
  • The kitchen god ' s wife , the second novel by amy tan , a chinese american author whose first novel the joy luck club created a sensation in the literary world in america , depicts exquisitely the conflict and understanding between mother and daughter through the use of different narrative viewpoints and the contrast between two different cultures , thus reflecting artistically one aspect of the life of chinese americans in contemporary america
    摘要曾以其首部小说《喜幸俱乐部》而轰动美国文坛的华裔女作家谭?埃米的第二部作品《灶神的妻子》 ,采用不同的叙述角度和对比两种不同的文化,以极为细腻的笔触刻画了两代人母亲与女儿之间的冲突与理解,从而艺术地再现了当代美籍华人生活的一个侧面。
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