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  • But i he stopped , by the authority intrusted me by my tsar and my country , give the order to retire
    但我他停顿了一下借助以陛下和祖国赐予的权力,我命令撤退。 ”
  • On the encouragement amp; amp; restraint system relating to the intrusting acting relationship of the state - owned enterprises
  • " have you , then , so much confidence in your servant that you can intrust him with a secret you will not allow me to know ?
  • And that same day kutuzov was appointed commander - in - chief of the army , and intrusted with unlimited authority over the whole region occupied by the troops
  • To - morrow morning i start for paris ; four days to go , and the same to return , with one day to discharge the commission intrusted to me , is all the time i shall be absent
    唐太斯回答, “可别把人看成是那么小器,明天得动身到巴黎去。四天来回,再加一天的时间办事就够了。
  • Ali brought the box to his master , who examined the weapons with a solicitude very natural to a man who is about to intrust his life to a little powder and shot
  • You pay me back the chaws you ve awready borry d off n me , lafe buckner , then i ll loan you one or two ton of it , and won t charge you no back intrust , nuther .
    勒夫勃克纳,你先把我借给你的那几口还给我,然后我借给你一两吨,并且不收利息,怎么样。 ” “可是我先前还过你几回啦。 ”
  • " it is not yet too late , " cried bertuccio , eagerly ; " and if your excellency will intrust me with the commission , i will find you a better at enghien , at fontenay - aux - roses , or at bellevue .
    “现在还来得及, ”贝尔图乔赶紧说道, “假如大人把这事托付给我,我可以给您在昂琴,写特奈或贝利维找到一座更好的。 ”
  • During the course of project application , relevant superintendents shall be intrusted the exclusive management by functional departments of the government to handle the affairs concerning his department and serve for the investors
  • How , and why it was , prince andrey could not explain , but after this interview with kutuzov , he went back to his regiment feeling reassured as to the future course of the war , and as to the man to whom its guidance was intrusted
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