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inch by

"inch by"的翻译和解释


  • They should use their shared outrage not just as an excuse to carry on with a peace process that edges forward inch by inch , but to make a real effort to bring it to a successful conclusion
  • The company is targetting first year worldwide of three million units of the portable device , which measures 17 centimeters 6 . 75 inches by 7 . 4 centimeters and weighs 260 grams nine ounces
    索尼表示,其计划在psp在全球面市的第一年里就实现300万台的销售目标,这款游戏机长17厘米宽7 . 4厘米,重260克。
  • To see him toiling up the slope inch by inch , his breath coming fast , the tips of his ho ofs clawing at the ground , and his great sides matted with sweat , filled everyone with admiration
  • Mama lena ' s was already offering a 30 - inch by 30 - inch , 64 - slice pizza when carrabbia read about the current record holder in a trade magazine and figured he could beat it
    卡拉比亚从一本行业杂志上了解到目前的吉尼斯世界纪录时, "莉娜妈妈"店已经有长宽为30英寸、可切为64块的比萨饼可卖了,所以,卡拉比亚觉得破纪录没有问题。
  • It measures 15 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 8 inches 4 . 7 by 3 . 9 metres and is divided into two little rooms , one with a kitchen and a bed while the " living room " sleeps three , on a sofa and a divan bed , o ' grady said
    从都柏林通往罗斯莱尔的铁路刚好从屋子后方经过,所以入住此屋的人将难以享受到宁静安逸的气氛。奥格雷迪还介绍说, “海神小屋”的房顶是由
  • As time marches on , it may be marred by dust , worn out by whether , or broken into separate fragments , and it may be carefully , slowly carved by the knife , inch by inch , into a wonderful statue which will be placed among the glorious works of michelangelo
  • " the only way you ' re looking to order it is if you want a big pizza , " carrabbia said . mama lena ' s was already offering a 30 - inch by 30 - inch , 64 - slice pizza when carrabbia read about the current record holder in a trade magazine and figured he could beat it
    卡拉比亚从一本行业杂志上了解到目前的吉尼斯世界纪录时, “莉娜妈妈”店已经有长宽为30英寸可切为64块的比萨饼可卖了,所以,卡拉比亚觉得破纪录没有问题。
  • But i shew d him how rather to cut it out with tools , which , after i had shew d him how to use , he did very handily , and in about a month s hard labour , we finished it , and made it very handsome , especially when with our axes , which i shew d him how to handle , we cut and hew d the out - side into the true shape of a boat ; after this , however , it cost us near a fortnight s time to get her along as it were inch by inch upon great rowlers into the water
  • ( 2 ) along the intertidal zone , the lower of contents of heavy metal exponentially , the farther is from sewage sources . ( 3 ) the concentrations of heavy metal decrease inch by inch from high tidal flat to the middle and low intertidal zone . it is water dynamics that impact on the accumulation features of heavy metals of intertidal
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