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  • Some composers imitated the composing skill of prelude and fugue , for example , shostakovitch ' s 24 prelude and fugue and hindemiter ' s ludus tonals has become the representative of polyphony music of their limes
    此后,也有一些作曲家对《序曲与赋格》的写作技法进行模仿,如肖斯塔科维奇的《 24首序曲与赋格》与亨德米特的《调性游戏》 ,均成为当时复调音乐的代表之作。
  • Discovered in july at the bottom of a dusty filing cabinet at a religious school in philadelphia , the manuscript is a work in progress for the composer ' s grosse fugue in b flat major - - one of his most revolutionary works
  • Summary : in the baroque period , bach , the great master in polyphony , created the prelude and fugue , using the the well - tempered clavier for the clavier instrument at that time , which is one of the most important works in the polyphony music till now
    摘要巴洛克时期,复调大师巴赫就用十二平均律为当时的键盘乐器创作了《序曲与赋格》 (上下册,各24首) ,迄今为止都是非常重要的复调音乐文献。
  • With the near advent of his death in sha h bei g , li wenlong tells his younger brother erlang in front of the sand river that he eventually " knows what is vigor and fugue " and further realizes that " a pursuit of mastery and art will eventually lead to a sense of self - finding " among which the entertained signification of playing gets the three melodies of sand river , playing and self - awareness to reemerge the development of thematic original tune with the musical forms of starting off , passaggio and change of tune , thus composing one melancholy and appealing tune of " art of vigor . " this essay deems it the key to interpret sha h bei g and have a glimpse of qi deng sheng ' s views over arts as well as to have a retrospect over the meaning of " art of vigor " betoken by the source of artistic creation
    《沙河悲歌》中,李文龙在死亡临近前,在沙河前告诉其弟二郎,他终于懂得什麽是生活和赋格,并领悟:追求技艺艺术到最后会转来发现自我,其中所赋予的吹奏之义,让沙河、吹奏与自我的三股旋律,以音乐曲式的:出发、转调、变调而再现主题原调之发展,谱就了一曲悲怆而动人的生命艺术性之歌,本文以为这是解读《沙河悲歌》 ,与七等生对艺术看法的重要关键,更是对艺术创作所触及的生命艺术性本源之反思。
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