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  • This undergraduate class presents human ethology for future researchers in the field , and is designed to be both broad and deep
  • Influence of rehabilitation training on ethology , nerve growth factor and brain - derived neurotrophic factor in rats after acute cerebral infarction
  • Liu qian , supervisor : wang huai - jing . title : effect of cuzhifang on ethology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampus of aged learning and memory impaired rate
    刘谦,导师:王怀经教授。论文题目: “促智方对老年学习记忆减退大鼠行为学及海马突触可塑性的实验研究” 。 2001 - 2004 。
  • The finding , the first of its kind , will appear in the december edition of a german scientific journal ethology to be published on december 5 , the primate researchers said tuesday
    据法新社11月29日报道, 1990年到2000年,日本一个研究小组对两群日本猕猴的口音进行了跟踪研究。
  • While the course focuses primarily on humans , it explores the intersection of human ethology and animal behavior , because there are many similarities between the two disciplines
  • " differences between chattering by monkeys are like dialects of human beings , " said nobuo masataka , professor of ethology at kyoto university ' s primate research institute
    参与研究的日本京都大学灵长类动物研究中心的生态学教授nobuo masataka说: “猴子口音之间的差异,就跟人类有不同的方言一样。 ”
  • Chinese snub - nosed monkey , being endemic species and listed as rank i protected animal in china , has so far been relatively little known in the ecology and ethology as so not to benefit its effective conservation
  • " traditionally it ' s believed that ovulation in human female is concealed and there are no changes in attractiveness across the cycle , " havlieek said . the study is detailed in the january issue of the journal ethology
    对此,哈夫利切克说: “人们通常认为,人类妇女的排卵作用是很隐蔽的同时,女性对男性的吸引力也不会在月经周期的不同阶段里有什么变化。 ”
  • 1 . because the taxonomic division is rather complex and has been much disputed and revised , in this part , we will review the classification and phylogeny of families , subfamilies and tribes of anseriformes based on morphology , ethology , osteology , mitochondrial and nuclear dna restriction fragment length polymorphism , single - copy nuclear dna hybridization and the sequences of mitochondrial gene analysis referring to the different definition , classification and phylogenetic relationships of the families , subfamilies and tribes of anseriformes . the controversial questions and deficiency in the systematic studies of anseriformes were pointed out
    具体包括以下几个部分: 1 、针对雁形目鸟类异常复杂的分类状况及分类上存在的争议,根据雁形目鸟类的形态学、行为学、骨骼学、角蛋白、线粒体与核dna酶切片段长度多态、单拷贝核dna - dna杂交及线粒体基因dna序列分析等方面的研究,对雁形目鸟类分类中科、亚科和族的划分及其相互间的系统发生关系进行综述,分析系统学研究中存在的不足,提出了雁形目鸟类分类中急需解决的问题。
  • Reviewing the application and development of d - galactose induced aging model , and different measurements in different records , we summarized the establishment and theory of d - galactose induced aging model , furthermore , we described the measurements from ethology , biochemstry . morphology and molecular biology in this review
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