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dance drama

"dance drama"的翻译和解释


  • The performances on the list of weekly activities of each province in may include the water - sprinkling festival , a dance presented by yunnan provincial song and dance ensemble , a song drama boundless prairie and a concert of famous chinese and foreign songs presented by liaoning provincial opera and ballet theatre , mother on the bailu prairie , a dance drama offered by liaoning song and dance ensemble , an evening party given by beijing , the huangmei opera of anhui province , the performance of the little egret song and dance ensemble of fujian province , and several excellent dramas of yunnan created in recent years
    5月份的省周活动将有以下节目在春城一展风彩,它们是云南省歌舞团的舞剧《泼水节》 ,辽宁省歌舞剧院的歌剧《苍原》和一台《中外名曲演唱会》 ,辽宁歌舞团的舞剧《白鹿额娘》 ,北京市的《综合晚会》 ,安徽的黄梅戏,福建小白鹭歌舞团的演出;还有云南省近年创作的几台优秀剧目。
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