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  • Twice in the post with left - handed miniature hooks , one a swish , the other enjoying the backboard
  • He collapsed a backboard support in his first nba appearance on television , delaying the game 45 minutes
  • The backboard are generally 1 . 2 by 1 . 8m and are connected to cast - iron rims , or baskets , that are 45 . 7 cm in diameter
    篮板通常为1 . 2米高、 1 . 8米宽,与铁铸的篮圈或篮筐相联接,篮圈半径为45 . 7厘米。
  • Driving components are installed on backboard of equipment to facilitate adjustment and maintenance and also protect production against shake
  • The ball flew over both the hoop and backboard , and across the nearby lawn until it hit the protective net bordering the athletic grounds
  • Components of bracket , work faceplete and driving backboard are strong in a frame structure with strong anti - seismic , good stability and no shaking
  • Changes the court colors , logos , graphics , court lines , backboards & lighting to look like the indiana pacers court for the 2004 / 2005 season
    改变球场颜色,理法,图形,球场线,后板&点看起来像印第安那步行者一样球场2004 / 2005季节。
  • He soon had the nails out : then he pulled out the backboards , then the enlargement itself , in its solid white mount . he looked at the photograph with amusement
  • Triage and transport working much better now but the ems personnel used no c - collars and military stretchers were being used instead of flat hard backboards
  • One of the nba ' s highest scoring teams last season , the kings were throwing up air balls and bouncing shots off the top of the backboard during their abysmal third quarter
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