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anti-dumping investigation

"anti-dumping investigation"的翻译和解释


  • 3 . go a step further at clearing and standardising anti - dumping investigation procedure 4 . the establishment and perfection of anti - dumping lawsuit system .
    3 、进一步明确和规范反倾销调查程序。 4 、完善我国反倾销诉讼体制。
  • The anti - dumping investigation of injury to a domestic industry involving agricultural products shall be conducted by mofcom jointly with the ministry of agriculture
  • On december 28 2004 , china mof initiated an anti - dumping investigation against epichlorohydrin ( ech ) from russia , south korea , japan and the u . s . a
  • Ms . zhang jianghong ( judy chang ) ' s lawyer team got a determination of non dumping for their client , the largest hss manufacturer in hss anti - dumping investigation initiated by australia customs service
  • Gao hucheng announces the figure while addressing an international seminar marking the 10 years time after china started anti - dumping legislation and launched its first anti - dumping investigation into imported newsprint paper in 1997
    在中国开始反倾销立法并首次发起反倾销调查( 1997年进口新闻纸反倾销调查)十周年的国际研讨会上,高部长公布了上述数据。
  • " coordinating anti - dumping investigations with moftec ; enforcing anti - dumping measures such as collecting cash deposits and dumping duties , enforcing countervailing measures by collecting countervailing duties , and monitoring implementation .
  • Gao hucheng announces the figure while addressing an international seminar marking the 10 years time after china started anti - dumping legislation and launched its first anti - dumping investigation into imported newsprint paper in 1997
    10年前,中国开始了反倾销立法并首次发起反倾销调查( 1997年进口新闻纸反倾销调查) ,上述讲话正是在纪念上述活动十周年的国际会议上提到的。
  • If the product under investigation imported from one country ( region ) or some countries ( regions ) falls under one of the circumstances set forth in item 2 , 3 , or 4 of the preceding paragraph , the anti - dumping investigation on the said product shall be terminated
    来自一个或者部分国家(地区)的被调查产品有前款第(二) 、 (三) 、 (四)项所列情形之一的,针对所涉产品的反倾销调查应当终止。
  • After 1980s , with china ' s economic continually develops at high level and china has trade surplus to europe countries , american and etc . , china ' s export commodities encounter anti - dumping investigation frequently and china has become one of the countries who suffered most from different countries " anti - dumping protection measure
  • This part includes the following ten aspects : 1 the introduction of the case ; 2 the protests and pleas of two sides involved ; 3 the judgement and analysis of previous question ; 4 whether eu violates the obligations in article 2 of its anti - dumping agreement ; 5 whether eu violates the obligations in article 3 of its anti - dumping agreement ; 6 whether eu violates the obligations in article 5 of its anti - dumping agreement ; 7 the possibility for eu to adopt constructive remedies ; 8 the issue on bulletin during the process of anti - dumping investigation ; 9 the conclusion and proposals made by the panel ; 10 several issues concerned in the field of anti - dumping
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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