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  • Today ' s anecdote about yogi chen ' s fearlessness brought back memory of another one from juan bulnes . so i share it with all of you
  • Folk science leads us to trust anecdotes as data , such as illnesses being cured by assorted nostrums based solely on single - case examples
  • Supporting details can include things like anecdotes , interpretation , stories , graphics , links to supporting web sites , photographs , sounds , video , etc
  • The reason cryptids merit our attention is that enough successful discoveries have been made by scientists based on local anecdotes and folklore that we cannot dismiss all claims a priori
  • Buried alive : in 19th - century europe there was so much anecdotal evidence that living people were mistakenly declared dead that cadavers were laid out in " hospitals for the dead " while attendants awaited signs of putrefaction
  • More precisely , kim il sung at the basic key element of the novel - the plot of the story introduces the memoir to create , tell that history is interesting , announce personality through the story , anecdote , transmit the emotion , propagate the theory
  • More precisely , kim il sung at the basic key element of the novel - - the plot of the story introduces the memoir to create , tell that history is interesting , announce personality through the story , anecdote , transmit the emotion , propagate the theory
    更确切地说,金日成将小说的根本要素? ?故事情节引入回忆录创作,讲述历史娓娓动听,通过故事、轶闻揭示人格,传递情感,宣扬理念。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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