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  • Nowadays , it is the beverage of choice among rowdy young people on a saturday night out , and it has fueled acts of violence and destruction in more than a few societies
  • The two fighters were greater brutes than they . the first splendid velvet edge of youth and condition wore off , and they fought more cautiously and deliberately . there had been no advantage gained either way
  • Outflings my lord stephen , giving the cry , and a tag and bobtail of all them after , cockerel , jackanapes , welsher , pilldoctor , punctual bloom at heels with a universal grabbing at headgear , ashplants , bilbos , panama hats and scabbards , zermatt alpenstocks and what not
  • That this was the state of life which all other people envied , that kings have frequently lamented the miserable consequences of being born to great things , and wish d they had been placed in the middle of the two extremes , between mean and the great ; that the wise man gave his testimony to this as the just standard of true felicity , when he pray to have neither poverty or riches
  • She leaned back far to look up where the fireworks were and she caught her knee in her hands so as not to fall back looking up and there was no one to see only him and her when she revealed all her graceful beautifully shaped legs like that , supply soft and delicately rounded , and she seemed to hear the panting of his heart , his hoarse breathing , because she knew about the passion of men like that , hot - blooded , because bertha supple told her once in dead secret and made her swear she d never about the gentleman lodger that was staying with them out of the congested districts board that had pictures cut out of papers of those skirtdancers and highkickers and she said he used to do something not very nice that you could imagine sometimes in the bed
  • 2 flower young man hanging out in the sun on the beach to a woman , this time opposite to the one pure and lovely girl . they are greedy birthday wishes to drop , a gust of wind scratch , blowing a girl flying white hat , and my sister how to get frantic hat , friends quickly jumped into the sea to chase a hat , you distracted for a moment and immediately catch up , but as a friend late one small point , can you see more than a friend , and got his white hat and returned to the sister
  • The young sparks , it is true , were as full of extravagancies as overgrown children : the words of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not often nice : their testiness and outrageous mots were such that his intellects resiled from : nor were they scrupulously sensible of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their behalf
    彼等荡儿实似狂妄自大之顽童,喜议论喧嚣,用语费解,且口出不逊。每闻其暴躁与寡廉鲜耻之话语187 ,顿感愤慨。虽能以血气方刚勉强为之开脱,但如此无礼实难以忍受。
  • Introduction : 2 flower young man hanging out in the sun on the beach to a woman , this time opposite to the one pure and lovely girl . they are greedy birthday wishes to drop , a gust of wind scratch , blowing a girl flying white hat , and my sister how to get frantic hat , friends quickly jumped into the sea to chase a hat , you distracted for a moment and immediately catch up , but as a friend late one small point , can you see more than a friend , and got his white hat and returned to the sister
  • She saw all the glories of the camp ; its tents stretched forth in beauteous uniformity of lines , crowded with the young and the gay , and dazzling with scarlet ; and to complete the view , she saw herself seated beneath a tent , tenderly flirting with at least six officers at once
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