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  • This mantis shrimp larva is one of many kinds of plankton that form the basis of the food chain at cocos island
  • Chinese mantis eyes have " pseudo pupils " that seem to follow you around , but the eyes do not really move
    中国螳螂的眼睛有“假冒的瞳孔” ,好像一直盯着你看,但其实它们的眼睛并没有动。
  • The 6 . 3 - meter - long and 3 . 4 - meter - high mantis attracted businessmen , passers - by and shoppers until 30 july
    这个6 . 3米长、 3 . 4米高的螳螂吸引了商人们、路人们和购物人潮,直至7月30日为止。
  • He photographed these praying mantises dozens of times and then used a computer to meld those views into a single image
  • Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world . they are so small that one of their enemies is an insect , the mantis
  • Opening up his eyes , the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw - like forelimbs
  • Several were there to give instructions to the interested . the only heir , chang hsiang - san , to mantis boxing was among the fold for three decades
  • Several were there to give instructions to the interested . the only heir , chang hsiang - san , to mantis boxing was among the fold for three decades
    六合螳螂在台唯一传人- -张详三,课徒于兹,三十馀年如一日。
  • Ah fung regards him as her prince but hides her feelings . stone is the king of the individral fight and an idol to all the girls
  • A woman looked at a huge robot of praying mantis exhibited at a shopping mall in marunouchi business district in tokyo on saturday
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