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  • 6 the students of zongxun academy practice shengui chushui shili finish posture in the commemoration of wang xiangzhai s birthday of 120 years
  • He became grandmaster wang s student when he was 20 years old . though younger than many other famous students , he was learning yiquan faster
  • Now i know my art will not be disseminated . " yao zongxun proved his skills in many fights , often even substituting to his master , when wang xiangzhai was challenged
    一九四一年,斋先生赐名“继芗” ,并赠诗于扇,以示衣钵传人之意,成为武林佳话。
  • Zhangzhou xiangjiang hotel xiangjiang hotel stands at downtown of zhangzhou . it is the only four - star hotel got the title of aaa environmental hotel including shopping , relaxing , dining and meeting
    江酒店坐落于历史文化名城漳州市区中心,环境幽雅交便通捷,是漳州唯一一家获得“ aaa级绿色饭店”的四星级酒店。
  • Zhangzhou jiali electronic co . , ltd , built in 1993 is a comprehensive technical enterprise specializing in the body of the research , development , production and distribution of series products of quartz clock movements and hands , is a membership of zhangzhou clock watch association
  • But later , late master yao was admired for this new age of development by his chinese and overseas friends from all wushu circles . the training place of zongxun wuguan is traditionally inside nanguan park . this is a place where local people come to have some rest and pleasant time
    武馆备有王斋姚宗勋先生二位宗师的著作姚宗勋先生的珍贵vcd dvd中英文教学光盘和姚承光先生编著的中英文函授教材及中英文教学光盘,同时本馆还备有学习意拳的各种训练器材。
  • This dissertation is divided into three parts : part i : a general survey of the newspapers and periodicals in hunan during the may fourth period . the dissertation introduces the developing situation of the newspapers and periodicals of hunan roughly in four stages : ( 1 ) within the period when hunan was presided by xiangming tang ( 1915 . 9 - 1916 . 7 ) : the newspapers and periodicals were controlled by shikai yuan and developed slowly ; ( 2 ) during the period when hunan was supervised by renxi liu and yankai tan ( 1916 . 7 - 1917 . 9 ) : the newspapers and periodicals were active for a short time and had little influence ; ( 3 ) during the period when hunan was conquered by liangzuo fu and jingyao zhang ( 1917 . 9 - 1920 . 6 ) : the newspapers and periodicals were reanimated a prosperous situation and had a far - reaching influence ; ( 4 ) during the period when hunan was supervised by yankai tan for the third time and governed by hengti zhao ( 1920 . 6 - 1921 . 10 ) : the newspapers and periodicals were undulated and lost the climatic light gradually
    文章大体分四个阶段介绍了湖南报刊发展的态势: (一)汤铭主湘时期( 1915年9月- 1916年7月)的湖南报刊:仰承袁世凯鼻息,发展缓慢; (二)刘人熙、谭延闽第二次督湘时期( 1916年7月- 1917年9月)的湖南报刊:一度趋于活跃,但为时甚短,影响不大; (三)傅良佐、张敬尧祸湘时期( 1917年9月- 1920年6月)的湖南报刊:呈现勃兴局面,影响深远; (四)谭延?第三次督湘、赵恒惕主湘时期( 1920年6月- 1921年10月)的湖南报刊:时起时落,渐渐失去鼎盛时期的锋芒。
  • On this subject , chen wenxiang ' s using feedback servo mechanism to scale - up the measurement range on the shift by hore sensor and chen dongjun ' s study of a kind of hore shift sensor with feedback servo mechanism have achieve the rudimental results . it shows that using self - tracking or servo system to scale - up the measurement range of the hore sensor is reasonable
    在这项研究工作上,陈文《采用反馈随动机构扩大霍尔传感器位移测量范围》 、陈东军《一种带有反馈随动机构的霍尔位移传感器研究》已经取得了初步的成果,他们的成果表明采用随动机构扩大霍尔元件的测量范围是有效可行的。
  • Walter marek from austria came for 20 days , but then he decided to prolong the time of study for one more month . zhong from hong kong studied yiquan for 10 years . when he compared his skill with a student of yao , who learned only for 1 year , he pointed his thumb upward and said : " wise teacher has good students "
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